When pricing auto insurance, you aren’t just protecting your car, you’re protecting your assets in case you are in an accident that exceeds state minimums. We will help you choose a plan that doesn’t leave you with unexpected legal exposure to your home and other assets.
How do you choose car insurance with all of the flashy options and clever ads? First, consider what is most important to you. Do you want to dial a call center when you’re shaken and upset from a car accident? Or would you like to call an agent who has a good reputation in your community, relationships with community leaders, and years of experience?
It’s OK to want the convenience of managing your account online, setting up AutoPay, but to still want a personal relationship with your insurance agent. It’s OK to want them to remember who you are when you are ready to add your teen driver to your auto policy. We offer the best of both worlds. Crumrine Financial Services coordinates with several well-known insurance products to offer you great rates and sophisticated web-based account management. At the same time, we’ve been working in Westerville and Kentucky for many years, and have solid relationships with our customers and our communities.
We would love to get to know you, too. Please fill out our quote request page or just call. We will answer the phone.